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A Helpful Guide to Outdoor Tent Wedding

A Helpful Guide to Outdoor Tent Wedding

Planning an outdoor tent wedding is the most complex but significant thing in the world. Some newly married would find a reliable wedding company to help them organize the perfect and wonderful dream wedding. As a professional wedding company, how can we make a great plan? Today, I will list the most common tent issues during the planning of the wedding and provide creative suggestions to help you successfully and efficiently offer wedding services. How to Decorate a Tent for a Wedding?

How to Decorate the Wedding Tent?

This is the first problem that most wedding companies may encounter. If you decorate the large wedding tent without a reasonable arrangement, the final presentation of the tent may be out of your client's expectations. Only if you follow the below principles, you could get excellent decoration:

Confirm the Tent Size & Shape

Firstly, you need to determine the size and shape of your wedding tents, in accordance with the clients’ budget and the number of expected guests. The most popular Outdoor Tent includes Festival Party Tent, Festival Party Tent, Wedding Event Tents.

The different series of outdoor tents serve different purposes. Therefore, we need to confirm whether we choose the right series of tents. The tent size is the direct factor that affects which style of decoration you can use. Take an instance, a big wedding tent allows you to use more luxury ornaments.

Confirm the Theme & Color of the Wedding Banquet Party

The theme and color of your wedding are the key note of your decoration. the guests also could dress accordingly to your wedding theme. Take an instance, if the client wants to hold an Indian traditional outdoor wedding, you could use red, gold, and another traditional adorning to decorate the wedding.

Clear Wedding Tents is the Best Choice

A transparent wedding tent is a versatile and excellent decoration option. A transparent roof makes no block between people and the sky. It could create the allusion that the sky is the stage of the wedding. Blue sky, white clouds, green grass, all let the love reveal naturally.

Install More Beautiful Lighting

The night is another special scene for an outdoor wedding, which lets people more indulge in the event. The flashing lights, various colorful stage lights both provide all attendants a romantic environment with a great atmosphere. Also, we could place some exquisite candles on the table to make it brighter, to give a more warm atmosphere.

How to Light up a Tent for A Wedding Reception?

Some clients may want some special and extraordinary lighting for their wedding reception. Here is another wonderful tent lighting: Lantern, Sparkle, and Chandeliers.


The paper lantern is the perfect lighting for a simple and elegant wedding. Natural but sophisticated texture enhances the connotation of a wedding. Also, in Asian culture, the paper lantern can stand for the best wish.


At dust, you could provide guests sparkles. Once the bride and bridegroom enter the ten, you could organize the guests to wave their sparkles in rhyme.


Outside wedding tents don’t mean we only can light up the outside areas. We also could use some chandeliers to decorate the indoor. Some centers of outside wedding tent rentals also offer chandeliers.


According to the above content, as a professional wedding service supplier, we also need to purchase some popular tents for wedding functions as our feature of wedding service, to prevent the drawbacks of renting wedding tents. We also could design the basic wedding service, according to the owing of the wedding tents, a suggestion from China professional oudoor tents manufacturer.

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